We are moving from faith to faith, glory to glory in this coming season. Prayer is not just to ask God to bring forth a breakthrough but strengthening us to become spiritual giants to overcome all fears, anxieties and stress.
Jesus’s food was not bread but from every word that comes from Abba Father God’s mouth. Matthew 4:4. Christ taught all disciples that His secret is in prayer and fasting, dwelling in the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1. Our battles are not carnal but spiritual. A fresh Word of God can bring all strongholds and obstacles come tumbling down.
Worship surrounds our hearts with praises and thanksgiving, bringing down all Jericho walls of insecurities, inadequacies and infirmities. Glory to God! So be brave and courageous. Don’t give up easily for greater is He that is in you than the battle you are fighting. 2 Chronicles 20:15.
To God be the Glory!
With Love Always,
Pastor Darien Choo
Senior Pastor
7 April 2024
Breakthrough Verse of the Month - April 2024
"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Psalms 73:26 NIV
Sunday Breakthrough Service at 10.30am. Onsite and online (https://www.tcc.com.sg/messages) (7 April - Ps Akila Ramasamy) |
Omega Kids is held onsite on alternate Sunday at 11.30am |
Corporate Prayer meeting - 12 & 26 April, Friday @ 7.30pm (ZOOM) |
Bible Study class (Adults) - Sunday afternoon |
Passover Celebration Service - 28 April 2024, Sunday @ 10.30am / Onsite and online (https://www.tcc.com.sg/messages) / Speaker: Rev Gilbert Carthigasu |
Givings - https://www.tcc.com.sg/tithes-offerings |
Telegram Channel - Join us at https://t.me/+UWWSqY0fN084OWI1 |
Daily Inspiration messages - https://www.tcc.com.sg/blog/categories/daily-inspirations |
Recordings for sale - MP3 $20 per session / MP4 $35 per session |

Register here: https://www.tcc.com.sg/event-details/laf-27-april-2024
Register here: https://www.tcc.com.sg/event-details/alpha-mar-2024
Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScZAwxoFUgGn9g1MzevPnDau9TXSW5S-rgQ6HxXr6NLp-lEwA/viewform
Sponsor a child at $200 per annum. https://www.tcc.com.sg/event-details/eh-carp-india