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EH-CARP (India)

Fri, Jul 01


Sponsorship - EH-CARP (India)

Elisha Harvest – Children at Risk Program (India)

EH-CARP (India)
EH-CARP (India)

Time & Location

Jul 01, 2022, 12:00 AM – Jun 30, 2027, 12:00 AM

Sponsorship - EH-CARP (India)


About the Event


Globally, it is estimated that up to 1 billion children aged 2–17 years, have experienced physical, sexual, or emotional violence or neglect in the past year (source: WHO.INT).

God has given parents, guardian and caregivers to guide these children to adulthood and be a model citizens for their nations.

For this reason, Elisha Harvest (the mission arm of Trinity Community Centre Ltd) has collaborated with Shaping Lives Ministry in Chennai, India to launch the EH CARP – Children at Risk Program for India “EH-CARP (In)”


EH-CARP’s over aching vision is to develop healthy and wholesome children of excellence spirit and godly character to serve in the Kingdom of God.


  • EH-CARP student support (IN)

    Sale ends: Jun 30, 2027, 12:00 AM

    CHECKOUT via MANUAL PAYMENT (bank transfer or PAYNOW) and pay $200 nett • Focus on well-being of the student • Benefits to student  Additional educational training / tuition  Nutritious meals - strength student’s immunity  Supplementations  Basic clothing / shoes  Stationery – school bags & assessment books  Water  Health Assessments  Outdoor activities  Student counselling  Spiritual covering over the students  Bible studies for students  Student discipleship and many more

    SGD 200.00
    +SGD 5.00 service fee


SGD 0.00

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