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Image by Alex Woods
Image by Alex Woods
Image by Alex Woods
Image by Alex Woods
Image by Alex Woods
Image by Alex Woods
Image by Alex Woods
























































“We are for signs and wonders” (Isa 8:18)



Sebastian Kho

Miracle Healing Explosion will resume every last Saturday of the month from January 2016. For the past year since its inception, we have seen miraculous healing of Stroke, Heart diseases, kidney, Cancer, Arthritis, Incurable eczema, leukemia, Cardiovascular disease, dry eyes, slip disc, etc.


We have also seen vision restored, deaf hears, weak legs strengthened, depression set free, etc. Come and experience your miracle healing last Saturday of the month. Bring along your friends who have sickness and diseases especially Cancer. The Holy Spirit will address your roots and uproot them for your miraculous healing.

Testimony of Sebastian Kho


Dear Pastors, Brothers & Sisters in Christ;


All or most of us with a healthy body and neither a non-drinker or non-smoker would least expect to be under a surgeon’s knife and face with a ‘Life and Death’ situation when your heart stops functioning and your blood pressure plunges below 70?


This happened to me when I had to undergo a major surgery of removing a diseased gall bladder which had ballooned to 3 times the normal size!! I was transferred immediately to the ‘Intensive Care Unit’ of Parkway East Hospital after my major operation. It was a great shock, but I felt the peace of God there!!


In an unexpected change of events in the operating theatre, where ‘What was supposed to be a key-hole surgery turned out to be an ‘open surgery’ which lasted more than four hours instead of the scheduled two hours. Only God was able to deliver me from this predicament.


I surrender my life to God and remain calm and composed as I keep worshipping God before I was wheeled into the operating theatre. Rev Alicia Teo text to me to proclaim 1 Peter 2:24 over me ‘Our Lord’s blood and peace will keep me safe and secure’ as God is with me and His light will shine on me as I go through the surgery. She also highlighted to me that I am not going to the operating theatre but to the heavenly sanctuary to receive new revelation from the Lord. This was an encouragement to me.


It all started on the night of 27th September, when I was struck with a sharp pain in my abdominal area. I thought it was my usual gastric problem. I was in so much pain that I could not even drive. I had to catch a cab to see my neighborhood GP. Despite taking the medication for the next two days, the pain did not subside. It grew worse and I could not even pass motion and sleep evaded me.


On 30th September, the pain was excruciating and I rushed down to consult my gastro specialist, who immediately ordered a CT scan. My doctor delivered the bad news that my gall bladder was sick and inflamed. It needed me to be hospitalized for antibiotics treatment. After 3 days of four bouts of antibiotics treatment, I felt relieved that the pain had subsided. However, my urine still remained brown in color, which posed an unhealthy sign. On 3rd October, my doctor ordered an MRCP of the gall bladder. From the findings of the MRCP, the gall bladder had ballooned to 3 times its original size. It could rupture at any moment. Indeed, this was an emergency!!! There were also three large stones and one small stone lodged at the entrance of the gall bladder. My doctor advised that I needed immediate surgery within the next 24 hours. I was shocked, anxious and felt afraid, but His peace was within me. On my birthday 4th October, Rev Alicia blessed me with Isaiah 60:1 ‘to arise and shine for the light has come. When things get tough big breakthrough is coming. She remarked that ‘it is strange how God planned your surgery on your birthday. It is also a time of breakthrough. I was operated on 4th October which was on my birthday. It also coincided with the date that I committed my time to have my “Father Me” Healing session. I did specifically request Sister Irene to postpone the date from the 3rd week of September to 4th October the reason being, during the month of September, I was extremely busy with business meetings, with my overseas business partners. Recapitulating the events, I realized that God has His way and I learned the importance of Genesis 2: 2-3 where it reads, “And on the seventh day, God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. v3 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because, in it, He rested from all His work, which God had created and made.


I thank and praise our loving and wonderful Lord. His words from Jeremiah 30:17 says “For I will restore health to you. And heal you of your wounds, says the LORD. It was such sweet comforting words that filled my whole being as I laid in the ICU. Also, Ps 9: 1 – 2 rang clearly into my mind and spirit….. “I will praise You,

O LORD, with my whole heart. I will tell of all Your marvelous works. v2 “I will be glad and rejoice in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High and glorify You. Indeed, my loving Abba Father granted me my second lease of life. My family and I are truly indebted and thankful to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. If it was not for His love, His mercy, and His grace, I would not be able to stand here to glorify Him and declare ….. ‘HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD!!” Both, Michelle and I, and our three children, Ethan, Ethel & Ethine wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to Senior Pastor, Rev Alicia Teo, Pastors Francis Ng and Darien Choo, Trinity Community Centre prayer team and members, for their hospital visits and not forgetting each and every of our brothers and sisters who have upheld me and my family in their prayers, during this difficult period. Indeed you have shown us the love of God through your lives. Praise the Lord!!


I also wish to give special thanks to our sister Winnie Joy who brought us to TCC in which we have found a loving and caring spiritual family. It was God’s divine intervention that I got to meet Sister Winnie. Prior to my operation, she shared with me the importance of forgiving those who have hurt me during the years of my life. She even led me into a prayer of repentance and forgiveness. It was crucial for me to forgive and be right with God and man; that in the event that the operation was not successful; I felt I was ready to meet God should He take me home. Praise the Lord, for His second chance. Now I have found my Abba Father and He has lovingly embraced this prodigal son. Thank you!!!

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