Today’s Inspiration: “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” 1 Timothy 2:1-2 NIV. Happy National Day Singapore! Let’s pray for the leaders of our Nation to have the fear of the Lord, which brings forth wisdom, knowledge and understanding in having integrity, morality, and godliness. Proverbs 9:10 We also pray for godly fathers and mothers to raise up a chosen generation, royal priesthood, and a holy Nation.
In a National speech in 1975 by our late founding father, Mr, Lee Kuan Yew, he reminded the Nation and parents about teaching the children on how hardship had shaped the Nation and not to pamper the children for what they do not have. Just like the children of the Israelites who didn’t see the hardship of their fathers in Egypt and how God miraculously delivered them with His mighty hand, this causes them to go after idols and ways of the world. The root of Christianity is the Cross, and it represents how God is our hope in hardship, how He saved us from sin, and how He deliver us from evil and sicknesses with His unfailing, unconditional, and unending love. Hardship ironically tightens our hold on Jesus, lengthens our time in prayer and strengthens our bended knees. For flesh must die for the Spirit to live. It is important to remember our humble beginnings, biblical values and godly principles.
Prayer: O Lord my God, my trust and my hope is in you alone. No eyes has seen, no ears has heard, and no human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love Him. May the Spirit of God come upon our generation to be humble to pray, teachable to abide in your word, and obedient to follow Christ. Watch over our Nation and family Lord and give us a pure heart to love one another in unity, faithfulness, and strength, in Jesus Name, Amen.