Today's Inspiration: Jesus taught us to fear God instead of men. He told His adversary that he would have no power over Him if it was not given over to him the adversary from on high. John 19:11. This truth is a confirmation of the permission granted by God to Satan to inflict Job but he cannot touch a finger on him. Job 1:12. What a faithful God we serve! Hence do not fear what you see but just believe that your situation is not as bad as it seems for if God is on your side, what can your adversary do to you? No one can go against God's people unless God put them to a test of their faith.
Both finances and health are the two major afflictions that men have great fear. So guard then well. These two are affected when there is lack of complete obedience like Job or according to His plan like Jesus experienced that all mankind would not perish but be saved.

Like Jesus we have to adopt prayer as a lifestyle and 24/7 be watchful over our thoughts, our words and our heart and ensure there is no wickedness in us. In short, after we pray, we should not cherish sin again. The Lord loves those who pursue righteousness but detests the way of the wicked. Proverbs 15:9. Your prayer is not complete until faith arises from your heart ever ready to see His miracles manifested in your life. Take away all hindrances like fear of whether God will accept your petition our guilt of whether God could answer your prayer since you are not perfect in His eyes. God does not require to see perfection in you before He answers prayers. He is willing to answer a yielding heart in full dependence on Him even when all men's efforts are futile. Always pray for a clean heart like David did. Psalm 51:10.
Only our faith can justify us and it's only through our Lord Jesus Christ that we can gain access by faith to God into such grace. So after prayer, rejoice in the hope of the glory of God and your hope will not be disappointed as the power living within you is greater than that of the world which is flesh your adversary. Flesh is always hostile to God. Romans 5:1, 5 & 1 John 4:4. God be praised.
Prayer: Lord may I always be an olive tree flourishing in the House of God. I trust in Your unfailing love forever and ever. In Your name, I have hope and will praise Your name in the presence of all the saints. You will not allow the righteous forsaken. In Jesus’ name, Amen.