Today‘s Inspiration: ”Throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.“ Ephesians 4:22-23 NLT. Many desires the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to move in anointing but few desire the Fruit of the Spirit to move in transformation. I have met with questions on why my spiritual life is like a see-saw or a rocking chair despite experiencing in the past miracles, signs and wonders of God. Is there anything wrong with my spiritual life?

The reason is clear because it has to do with spiritual maturity. Moving in the gifts and calling of God doesn’t determine your spiritual maturity. We have seen great man of God fell despite having mega healing and prophetic ministry. Matthew 7:21 What gets us into heaven is not the gifts but fruit of the Spirit. Spiritual maturity can only be measured by inward spiritual transformation through intentional, radical, and deep discipleship. Thousands followed Jesus but few are true disciples. Many desires impartation but few are willing to submit for corrections. We cannot build tall sky scrapers without deep pilling. In fact the higher you get, the more dangerous it will be without strong foundations. There are many things we have to remove within us in order to move forward and go higher.
Prayer: O Lord my God, remove all roots that were not planted by you in my attitude, behaviour and character. Holy Spirit, help me to put off all old garments, old wineskins, and old mindsets. Let my spirit receive new robes, new wine, and new wisdom from the Lord. Behold, the Lord make all things new inside of me, for in Christ, I am a new creation, in Jesus' Name, Amen.