Today's Inspiration: Whoever seeks to save his life will lose it and whoever loses his life will preserve it. Luke 17:33. In this verse we are directed to build ourselves on a foundation of a rock and not on shifting sands. A foundation on shifting sands is easily blown away when storms in our life gets stronger. We need to go deeper into the word of God, which is the source of living water to sustain our lives.

We need patience and faith when planting seeds of faith. We must plant our seeds believing that what we have sown in our lives and the lives of our children and others will grow into bountiful harvest. We need to work in unity to produce the healthiest crop both in the natural and in the supernatural. Too much water, light or heat can kill the plant. We need to have a balanced life and maintain the mind of the Messiah at all times. It is the spiritual mind that equips us for daily life and allows us to maintain balanced life. King Solomon stressed on timing to be of primary importance. We need to know the right time to plant to reap the harvest in its season.
Discern the soil before planting the seeds. To disciple one with a teachable heart, with softness and love in the heart should be our principle of discipleship. Salvation and strong belief in our Lord is a sign of a heart ready to receive to grow into a harvest.
Take heed of what you are hearing. In our human mind we ask the Lord to increase our faith like the disciples did. Jesus' reply was that He has given us all a seed of faith. It's up to us to believe the word of God we are declaring to manifest the supernatural. Luke 17:5-6. All we need is to walk by faith not by sight to manifest the supernatural and to live our life from day to day glorifying God. He who called you is faithful. Be fruitful and multiply. Genesis 1:28.
Prayer: Lord guide us and help us to walk in the newness of the spirit and not by our old nature. Thank You for the new birth that enables us to fulfill Your will successfully without wavering. In Jesus’ name, Amen.