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5 December 2020 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: John 14:27 Let your hearts not be troubled and do not be afraid. Have peace that comes from heaven. The Hebrew word for peace is Shalom. Peace in the English language is calmness of the spirit and absence of war. But the Hebrew word carries a more extensive meaning which means well-being, health, safety, prosperity, wholeness and completeness. This is why they always greet each other with the word Shalom. Modern Hebrew addressed one another as mah Shalomkah meaning how are you, how is your well-being? The Aaronic benediction in Numbers 6:24-26 the greeting of blessing of peace and favor covers a much broader blessing. It is asking God to supply your physical and emotional needs.

We can't worship God until we have peace with others. Matthew 5:23-24. Most sacrificial offerings are given entirely to God, but peace offerings or shelem offerings is fellowship offerings and a celebration of peace between God and all the family members as in the Lord's supper. By partaking of the Holy Communion, we are partaking in a meal of peace with God and celebrate a new relationship with Him through Jesus' atonement. Through Christ, God offers all of us Shalom in all aspects of our life.

Let's have Shalom with our family and with others. Hence when you greet each other with Shalom, you have blessed them with both physical and emotional blessings. God be praised.

Prayer: Lord You are my Shalom that has broken down every stronghold. As You are my Shalom I will cast my cares and anxiety upon you, for with you I have Shalom. You are my provider and protector and know my needs even before I know them. In Jesus name Amen.

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