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4 December 2020 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: Mark 11:22 whatever struggles you maybe facing now, have faith in God. Tests are meant to release the highest levels of spiritually authority over your life. The wounds we suffered over the years that have turned to healed scars are the glory that we carry to heaven besides our fruits just like Jesus showed his scars to the disciples at Resurrection. This means even if we get to heaven, the scars are still there until Jesus returns to transform our bodies to a glorious one to join with our spirit and soul in heaven. Therefore do not despise your wounds which you suffered during the course of the ministry because they will entitle you to medals of honor in heaven. The wounds we carry during the course of ministry are eternal scars for those who are chosen and who loved God more than their own lives.

Therefore turn every wound you suffered on Earth into authority to do good to others, especially those in the household of faith. Every wound that we suffer is for salvation of others. These are the treasures of salvation we need to appreciate.

For every exploit that we take, there are dangers ahead but we can overcome if we remain strong and courageous and aim to be a spiritual champion like Joshua did. For every battle you fight, the angel army is fighting alongside you so do not fear. Isaiah 41:10. To be wounded in the battle for the Gospel carries great honor.

It is through Jesus' stripes we are healed and it is through our stripes that give us the power to heal others in the very place where the enemy has wounded us. God be praised for the stripes He has allowed us to go through.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, by your stripes we are healed. Our stripes that cannot compare with yours can also bring healing to others going through similar wounds like us. Thank you for Your guide to our ministry. In Jesus name Amen.

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