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31 August 2020 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. Luke 14:11. Therefore self-exaltation will not get us anywhere nearer to the top. Covid-19 is a wake-up call for the prideful to reflect upon their life and the next move to align to His purpose. Many a time we take God's grace for granted. Life is not a bed of roses always. Everyone would in one way or other go through humbling experience to reach the top.

Unless we are humbled, we cannot meet God's standard of compassion to heal our situation.

The enemy caused us to panic but God called us to His mercy seat to meet with His love and compassion and understand who He is and who we are in Him and what He is about to do. This is illustrated with a biblical example of two blind men crying out for mercy as Jesus and His disciples went out of Jericho. This cry for mercy caused people to silence them but met with Jesus' compassion to open their blind eyes. With their eyes opened, their spiritual eyes were opened as well to be His followers. Matthew 20:29-35. Indeed, our ways are not God's ways. Isaiah 55:8. To truly bear the image of Christ we must think and act like Jesus. God be praised.

Prayer: Lord we need Your grace and mercy at this crucial hour. May our petition meet with Your grace to come to terms with You that we be delivered from the snares of the enemy and make the right decisions to align with Your purpose. In Jesus name Amen.

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