Today‘s Inspiration: Those who live in his shadow will again raise grain, And they will blossom like the vine. His renown will be like the wine of Lebanon. Hosea 14:7. Building our personal prayer altar is learning daily how to dwell in the presence of God. Praying in the Spirit awakens our spirit man to arise and set apart for God’s will daily. Jesus taught the disciples that we ought to pray in private so that we see His answers in public. We learnt to sow in His secret place that we shall reap in His chosen places.

Praying in the Spirit helps us to dwell in His presence wherever we go. We are called to be carriers of His presence as the salt and light to the world. Without repentance we cannot bear good fruit in prayer. Matthew 3:8. What connects us to the vine as branches is prayer. A branch dies to self, yields fully and is totally surrendered to the Vine’s possession, provisions and production. How we react reflects the image inside of us and prayer keeps our vision on Christ so that we reflect His likeness. Without repentance there is no humility and without humility there is no wisdom of God. Proverbs 9:10. Repentance makes us as new wineskins for the new wine from the vine. The pruning, pressing, and processing are essential for producing a renown wine. Isn’t it so for our spiritual life, growth and maturity?
Prayer: O Lord my God, I may be going through a difficult and hard time but I choose to dwell in your secret place of prayer. For where can I go from your Spirit and where can I go from your presence? In you I find my peace, providence, and power to overcome all challenges. Like the refiner’s fire, gold shall be produced in the furnace and value shall be forged in the moulding. Remove all my sins like the dross, that purity, virtue and truth of Christlikeness shall emerged by His grace as the image within me, in Jesus' Name, Amen.