Today's Inspiration: For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy spirit. So let us pursue the things which make up for peace and the building up of one another. He who serves Christ in this way is acceptable to God and approved by man. Romans 14:17-19.

The goal of Christianity is to see deep change. Once the person's belief system is anchored in the word of God and on His promises, purposes and priorities, long lasting behavioral changes will follow. We must work our character from inside out.
Transformation is impossible without teaching people to feed themselves daily through their own personal devotion and application of His word. Prayer, evangelism and fellowship are the other aspects of fundamental processes of disciple-making which are so essential to make a healthy church.
People do not like to be discipled because they don't like accountability. Yet accountability is a needed element of spiritual growth. God deals with our idols, our hurts and past baggages. Accountability is required so that we lead a life of transparency that allows for necessary inputs of prayer, counsel, encouragement and occasionally rebuke for the spiritual growth of the person. It's time for being part of a discipleship group. Many do not grow because they have not been discipled. Not all Christians are disciples. Disciples of Jesus Christ commit themselves to His radical discipleship. On the job training is vital for a disciple making church. A disciple making church is a healthy church. God be praised.
Prayer: Lord teach me Your ways to making a disciple-making mentoring group. In Jesus’ name, Amen.