Today's Inspiration: Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Psalm 150:6. Whatever our lot, we are taught to say It is well with my soul, praise the Lord. Even if trials come, we should not be discouraged. You must keep praising the Lord that you are no longer a sinner but one saved by grace. All your sins were nailed to the cross not in part but as a whole. So feel free as you partner God in the final fight who is your delight, your battle shield, your dignity, your shelter, your power and your inheritance both now and always.
May He be your best thought of the day and best thought of the night. Your priority is to seek Him first His Kingdom and His righteousness for everything you desire He can fulfill them in manifold grace. Matthew 6:33.
There is power in praising the Lord even before He performs miracles we cannot fathom. The fact that He has sanctified us to be a holy nation, we can say we are now purified and set apart for His glory. In His sanctification He has cleansed our lips like He did to Isaiah in Isaiah 6:3, 6-7, freeing us from human contamination, that we are now able to hear and utter God's revealed word as prophecy or words of knowledge or wisdom by the Revelation of the Spirit. We do not fear because God will back us up as we replicate Jesus' mission on Earth. John 20:31. We need to model His mission of healing and deliverance in greater measure as we have more time to fulfill this mission and an advanced technology to propagate the Gospel. John 14:12-13.
In preparation of His coming, let us draw near to Him more and more to grow in the grace and knowledge of our God. Let us fix our eyes on what is truly important during troubled times. God's plan and mandate still marches on despite troubled times. So never give up but have clarity of mind to keep abiding in Him to discern the times pointing to His return to us the second time this time for redemption. Woe to him who puts off the days of doom and believing judgement is delayed. Amos 6:3. We need the presence of God that shines our path wherever we go. Where His presence is, we emerge as conquerors like David, Moses and our Messiah did. Romans 8:37. Have the heart of God and not the heart of men which is vulnerable to sin and wickedness. Learn to read the signs to recognise how close His return is. Matthew 24:32-35. Date of His return is determined by our Abba Father. V42-44. God be praised.
Prayer: Abba Father abide in me as I abide in you. Remember Your servant whose attention and love is glued to your heart that awaits Your return. Give me a discerning heart to prepare for such a time as this. Amen.