Today‘s Inspiration: “Then Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.”Acts 3:6 NKJV. This was a lame man from birth who was put everyday to beg at the temple gate called beautiful. God’s greatest plan is not just bringing miracles, signs and wonders but evangelism to the ends of the world. What the lame beggar needs is not just coins or food but Christ Jesus. One can come to church only to satisfy what one wants or needs but not know Christ.
Evangelism can only manifest in a soul out his or her personal and deep relationship with Christ, the testimonies of the saints. John 7:38. God’s healing grace is His gateway for the gospel. The beggar only knew about the temple and what he needs at the gate but imagine even every priest and religious people just walked past him everyday. We too can walk past many who don’t know Jesus today. Would we stop for someone and give Christ to them? Not just it broke the man’s disability and infirmity, it broke poverty and shame in that man, who became the vessel of testimony to the priests, sadducees and Pharisees. At that very spot of the temple colonnade, 5000 came to hear the gospel. Acts 4:4. Glory to Jesus!
Prayer: O Lord my God, slow down my steps, still my soul, and let me be sensitive to your Holy Spirit to share Christ to souls who are rejected, neglected, and forsaken. You are the way, the truth and the life to them. Just as you shown your presence, providence and power at the beautiful gate, open new gateways to share the Name of Jesus at the marketplace, homes and schools, in Jesus' Name, Amen.