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26 December 2020 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: The Lord knows your sitting down and your rising up and even understand your thoughts even though He is so far up in Heaven and you are on Earth and acquainted in all your ways. Psalm 139:2-3. Even before the foundation of the world before you were formed, God has for us already mapped out the plans for your life. Psalm 139:16. You are so precious in His sight and His thoughts for you are much more than the sands on the seashore. Psalm 139:17-18. This is how great our God is. Yet man is like a breath. His days are like a passing shadow. Psalm 144:4. Our hands are trained for battle. In life, battle is eternal and inevitable as we have a common enemy Satan. Yet we tend to fight against each other. This is not the will of God for us. If we stopped wrestling from within, there will be love and peace shared among us. Let us bear this truth as we approach the coming year which is a promising year.

Jesus taught His disciples the Lord's prayer of giving daily bread and deliver them from evil. Bread is from the root word "lechem" that represents all food and the blessing said over the bread was applied to the entire meal in Matthew 6:11. To me this daily bread includes the daily vitamins from His word for our nutrition that strengthens our body. Withholding food from the hungry is a sin. Job 22:7. It is a great religious duty to share our food. Proverbs 22:9. The other line of prayer deliver us from evil, the word for evil is "ra". It is a request for protection from evil person, a bad injury and from Satan the destroyer or from a bad inclination. It is a petition to deliver us from harm and from the sin and the company of those who cause a person to sin like Satan tormenting and harassing us to sin. It means that we are not to succumb to the evil inclination within us and evil thoughts. A sin first start with an evil thought before it acts to harm. That's why the Bible tells us to turn from evil.

Even as believers we tend to have evil thoughts within us, especially when people do harm to us. These are thoughts that can led to oppression, to self-destruction if we don't take heed to resist them. We can only resist if we submit all our thoughts and our whole being to God or they will haunt us till we are destroyed when they get out of control. James 4:7.

These are what God meant that His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. He thinks ahead of time to protect us for eternal destiny. Our thoughts however is restricted only to act out of reaction to offensive remarks. We don't plan our thoughts ahead of time. To be able to convey God's thoughts into nuggets of gold is a precious gift from God to inspire others to victory. These too comes from God, the creator of the universe.

Hence, allow God to use the gifts and talents He has for you for His glory not for self gain but for the well-being of all you meet in your journey of life. This I discern is pleasing to the Lord. God be praised.

Prayer: Lord, help me to understand Your thoughts that I may discover every word You speak in the Bible which carry great new depths and understanding. Let me understand and gain new insight to every word You speak daily. Let Your words no longer be foreign in my ears, but each day a great rhema that filled me with awe. In Jesus precious name, Amen.

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