Today's Inspiration: Whether God heals us by medical technology or Divine intervention, He is the source of all healing. Exodus 15:26. Success on our journey depends on how we walk in the healing anointing of the Lord. Jesus healed and accomplished all His works under the power of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Acts 10:38.
The Gospel is all about faith- heart or mind faith. Mind faith is intellectual acceptance of facts. Heart faith is active faith and changed inside out. It creates a willingness to respond and act on the facts. Heart faith is coming willingly to Jesus allowing Him control of our lives. Mind faith is watching safely from a distance but heart faith prompt us to plunge into the river of healing. Faith must arise in our heart before healing can take place.

His words of healing in the Great commission has already been established in heaven. Psalm 119:89. So healing must be made normative like the days of early church. Let Him be our hiding place and shield. Have hope in His word. V114. Let your testimonies be your meditation. How sweet are His words to your taste, sweeter than honey in your mouth. V103.
So remember the Lord your God, your Savior, your healers, your breaker. Have heart faith to believe in the supernatural. God be praised.
Prayer: Lord, grant us the grace and mercy to be healed and be a blessing to others. Turn our mess to miracle. In Jesus’ name, Amen.