Today‘s Inspiration: ”The kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit.” Titus 3:4-5 NKJV. To build a strong relationship with God, self and others, we need the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of discernment to develop our sensitivity to the voice of God. Before we can hear the voice of God, we have to first remove the voice of our flesh, having own voices be quietened. This put aside any worldly, lustful, soulish or fleshly desires of the body.

Secondly, we have to rebuke the voice of the devil or negative voices within that comes against the Word of God. This can be emotionally and mentally challenged by the soul but if we submit to God by yielding to His Holy Spirit and wielding the Sword of the Spirit, the devil will flee. James 4:7. Thirdly, we have to be fully rested in the Lord with a surrendered will and total dependency on Him to hear His voice with an undivided heart. This is when His unshakable peace, unspeakable joy, and unconditional love consume us. Remember this, don’t just look at your ability to hear the voice of God but the ability of God to speak to you with a new understanding. Be not just hearing but be discerning.
Prayer: O Lord my God, you have your voice for us daily. Lead us to discern your voice, for your sheep hears your voice. We listened and follow you in your Word. Lead us with your Holy Spirit, Abba Father, for your sons and daughters shall profess and prophesy. New visions and dreams of your Kingdom shall be my portion and provisions. Renew my mind and regenerate my soul to open the eyes of my heart to your wisdom, knowledge and understanding, in Jesus' Name, Amen.