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24 July 2021 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Josephine Lim

Today's Inspiration: God guards the good deposit that was entrusted to us - guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us. 2 Timothy 1:14. In this way we will alienate the world and walk in the spirit. We ought to live in peace, joy, power, love, victory and abundance knowing that the battle on Earth are already won and that the sufferings of this time cannot compare to the glory that awaits us.

We need to embark on our journey of faith for doors to be opened to our understanding and acts of faith. Faith determines the open door of life and peace. God has given us two keys- one to open heavenly doors and the other to destroy the works of the evil one. Matthew 16:19. Hence to destroy the works of the evil one, we must know who we are and the authority that had been given to us.

Mistakes are never a problem for God will bail us out because He is a loving and gracious God. We just need to enforce the authority of the Kingdom. Without mistakes we cannot grow and understand to overcome our mistakes. Though many do not want to understand the demonic realm, it is a known fact that if you do not know your enemy, you cannot gain victory over him.

God created all men to be good. But if you look at some men their hearts are evil although they flatter in their lips. This is the work of the enemy who take advantage of their sinful nature inherited from the first parents Adam and Eve. When you have more insights just remain humble so that Satan will not take advantage of your weakness to afflict you. Vanity and pride displease God.

Prayer: Lord guard my lips that no quarrelsome words which are of no value to me and that often ruins the heart of my listeners comes out of my mouth. May I always correctly handle the words of truth and avoid godless chatter so that I will not become more and more ungodly that offends God. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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