Today’s Inspiration: Jesus taught, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27.
This was written at the heart of the parable of the Good Samaritan. It speaks of man being attacked by robbers, stripped, beaten, and left to die, between Jerusalem and Jericho. But sadly his plight was totally ignored by the Priest and the Levite, who were supposed to show compassion, love and mercy to the afflicted but chose to “pass by on the other side”, meaning they saw but ignored the man who was stricken. Luke 10:25-37.
We all desire the blessings of God, but we so often are oblivious to mercy. We are so caught up by the busyness of life, we neglected the needs of others, especially in the family and body of Christ. Jesus was revealing that even a priest or levite can know all about religiosity but have no mercy in the heart. It is not about how much you know in life, but how much you care for others. Even a Samaritan can have a heart of mercy and great faith to rescue and restore a Jew, how much more in Christ. How can we miss the Cross and deny our Conscience? Let’s help our neighbour today as a Good Samaritan or even better a disciple of Christ.
Prayer: O Lord My God, let I not passer by the other side but be of help to my neighbours. Fill me with thy mercy that many who has needs in my path will be blessed and helped so that Christ may be glorified and they too can be merciful to others, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.