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22 September 2021

Josephine Lim

Today’s Inspiration: Weariness of the soul comes from worrying. Are you worrying for the medical report, project deadlines, finances or relationship problems? Jesus taught his disciples to worry for nothing, for tomorrow will worry for itself. Matthew 6:34. Why? God is always ahead of us, even in the wilderness, He gave abundant showers, and refreshes His weary inheritance. Psalm 68:7-9 Remember at challenging times, God is able to bear our daily emotional and mental burdens so cast you cares to the Lord in prayer and trust.

Worship breaks weariness in our spirit, soul and body. It even nourishes our prayers into the prophetic. So seek God first and Worship Him. Matthew 6:33.

Worship wins spiritual battles and bring down Jericho walls of obstructions. Joshua 6:5 It’s time to sing praise to God, for He will bring you from worrying to worship. Worship proclaims the power of God, whose majesty is over Israel, whose power is in the heavens. You, God are awesome in your sanctuary; the God of Israel gives power and strength to his people. Psalm 68:34-35 Praise God!


O Lord our God, we love you with all our hearts, our soul, and our strength in worship. Your presence is all I seek and your power and strength is our inheritance, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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