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2 November 2020 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling. Psalm 2:11. What truly is faith? Faith is believing like Abraham did and responded when he was called out of his father's house to a place unknown to him that he was to receive an inheritance. Hebrews 11:8. He believed God totally without any doubt what God has shown him and he did not rely upon his own strength or wealth but believed what He has been promised even though it was an insurmountable task knowing his frailty.

You may have been praying for years for His promises to become a reality and are on the verge of giving up. You need to replace the spirit of doubt with faith and trust. Unless you believe in your heart that these promises will come to fruition, you will never enter into the inheritance He has in store for you.

It's only when you are calm and at peace, can you attain what God has promised you. Peace is the absence of worry, anxiety, pressure, busyness or panic because of unnecessary pressure from surrounding environment particularly from members of the family. It's through this calmness that you hear with clarity the next move of God in your life. If the hearing does not concur with your heart's desires of God, pray again and wait until it resonates in your spirit the calling. Remember, desires can be from the flesh where you pick up opinion from the environment or from your own will and choices. Desires in your heart must be God's desires. Therefore it is important to be sensitive to the spirit as you pray and listen to Him. For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. Philippians 2:13.

So wait patiently with an open heart to know His will for the next move of God. So set yourself to wait upon the Lord until you know your desires are from the Holy Spirit, and not from Satan or from the flesh to ensure success of your mission. After it resonates in your spirit God's desires, confirm with scriptures and a word from others that bear witness with your spirit. You should never plunge in until the voice is sharp and has a clear focus. Be led by the spirit. God be praised.

Prayer: Abba Father show me Your way and direct me to Your path. As I delight in You, give me the desires of your heart for Your next agenda for my life. In Jesus name, Amen.

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