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2 May 2021 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: He who descended is also the One who ascended far above all the heavens that He might fill all things. Ephesians 4:10. Each of us will manifest according to the measure of grace given to us.

Resting in the Lord means to learn to cooperate with the Presence of God and moving our ministry from laboring and striving to a place of rest. Moses understood how important it is to learn the ways of God directly from God in order to find favor with Him. Exodus 33:11-18. Learning the ways of God is dependent upon the presence of God in our life. Moses understood the correlation between learning the ways of God and finding favor with Him. It's this intimate relationship of knowing who God is that we find His establishing favor. Desire to see His glory for it is His glory that His very presence abides. His glory is revealed by His grace to manifest signs and wonders, and healing miracles through us.

Once we know His ways and His will we will have greater faith to believe God will respond to our prayer. Whatever our lot we must always say that it is well with our soul as our sins have been nailed to the cross and we bear it no more. God has erased them from His slate. Let His peace like a river rolls in and sorrows like sea billows roll away. Christ has seen our helpless state and has shed His blood to redeem our soul from the hands of the devil.

Like Moses we learn reverence and the heart of God and His will. Like the early church we must believe in the present power not only for our transformation but authority over the power of sickness and diseases and experience the reality of His promises. The widow's son was resurrected because of her faith declaration that it is well with her soul even though her son had died. Our faith matters to manifest a miracle. God be praised.

Prayer: It's our faith and affirmation of His word that manifests miracles in our lives. So Lord let my faith caused me to be well with my soul. As the soul nourishes so will our health and everything prosper. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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