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2 January 2021 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: Unless we read an inspiring word from the Lord, our imagination always run wild and are prone to depressive thoughts that paralyse us to our future. God has assured us of His promises that our enemies shall submit to us and we shall tread down their high places. Deuteronomy 33:29.

We have to reflect our thoughts today if they are thoughts that limit our progress or thoughts that help us to gain victory in our life.

Our thoughts are so powerful that they can also bring us to captivity of fear. God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7. Fear attacks us when the time of our relationship with God is compromised. We need to strengthen our relationship with God as with it comes the strengthening of our spirit with bold, encouraging, life giving truths that are revealed in the Bible which enables us to move forward. Fear and anxiety are high levels of stress that affect our body.

We need to defeat discouragement and insecurity to be sure of success. Let us not be deterred by the environment around us that intends to discourage us from moving forward. But let us be inspired to stand still and see the Deliverance of the Lord. Exodus 14:13. The Lord will fight for you. V14. When the battle gets tough, the more we are in need of the Lord as He is our shield that quenched the fiery darts of the enemy. Ephesians 6:16. He who called you is faithful. God be praised.

Prayer: Thank You Lord for doing great and mighty things. Your right hand has given us Victory again. Let Your name be exalted high above the heavens. In Jesus name Amen

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