Today's Inspiration: Our greatness is not what we can perform but what God has implanted in us that can be unleashed to perform extraordinary tasks. Our greatness lies in what God has made us to become. Therefore, do what His word says. James 1:23.
When you have a strong reaction to people's comments, know it's a message revealing fear and insecurity in you. Don't trivialise that reaction, recognise it as valid and valuable. Learn from them and keep growing.

Many business leaders spent their time too long at the top not realising that the bottom of the escalator is brewing to it's boiling point about to explode. Therefore, do not be complacent. Feel secure nonetheless as your security is in the Lord. Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. Psalm 29:1. Let your heart trust in Him and you will be helped. He is your strength and shield. Psalm 28:7.
Always see beyond the present and take ownership of the future. Do not control feelings at a surface level but navigate your emotions and let it change the adverse circumstances to an opportunity. Meditate on the words of life. They are flawless like silver refined in a furnace of clay purified seven times to keep you safe and protect you from all evil forever. Psalm 12:6. God be praised
Prayer: Lord thank You for your guidance to victory. I shall forever praise You and bring you glory. In Jesus name Amen.