Today's Inspiration: God thwarts the plans of the crafty so that they don't achieve success. Job 5:12. For the righteous He will keep their homes secure.
It is possibly to be externally busy but spiritually drowsy. When this happens you will not know what is God doing in your life. We should be spiritually alert at all times to avert danger. We should not be distracted by prejudices or fear or have a hardened heart that stops us from drawing profound insights from His teaching.

A good comparison is Mary and Martha in the Bible. Martha is excited when Jesus came to her house in Bethany and choose to cook the best dishes for Him. But Mary chose to pay attention closely to His teaching and drawing the depths of His instructions and retaining what is learnt. The Lord delights to see us growing and moving from drinking the milk of basic truths to consuming the solid meat of His teaching. This is why Jesus says Mary chose the best path and will not be taken away from her. Luke 10:42. Only one thing is needed and that is to grow in His teaching.
Jesus when referring to the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven said that whoever has will be given more and they will have an abundance. Matthew 13:11-12. Jesus desires to see a learning heart. The great teacher who is the Truth and bring words of eternal life is ready to teach us personally. Would you open your ears to listen each morning as to where He is leading you? God be praised.
Prayer: Blessed are the eyes that see into the future. Therefore Lord reveal to me profound insights from Your word. In Jesus’ name, Amen.