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17 November 2020 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: God's word has been proven. He is your shield and to all those who trust Him. His ways are always perfect and never deviate from His promises. 2 Samuel 22:31. In order to see the miraculous, we need to view them from the faith of our spiritual eyes rather than to use our five senses to trust and believe in the miraculous. Whenever Elisha prophesied, he viewed them from the faith perspective of God rather than basing on the faith from speculative point of view. If you speculate, it is occultic and such bondage have to be broken before you can move forward.

In times of crisis, you have to attempt the impossible rather than to sit still and wallow in self-pity. Like the four leprous men, they were in the midst of a battle between Israel and Syria. They intend to surrender themselves to the army of Syria and they were clueless how they can escape. 2 Kings 7:3-4. To their surprise, there was no one there and when they reached the outskirts of the camp, they could not believe the abundance of gold and silver clothing they have collected. V8. So they reported to the King.

The Syrians lost the battle because they were fighting from the place of defeat and fear. They speculated that they were battling against one large army not only of Israel but that of the alliance of Hittites and Egyptians with the army of Israel because the Lord has caused confusion among them. V6. We should never fight from the fear of defeat but the fear and cooperation of the Lord who made us more than conquerors. You cannot win a war with speculations. We are spiritual beings and we need to fight the battle with our spiritual weapon looking ahead of what the Lord can see beyond the battle field. We must battle in confidence and not from the standing of fearing of being conquered. God be praised.

Prayer: Thanks be to God who always emerged at the right time to give His servants strength and courage to save His anointed ones. Amen.

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