Today's Inspiration: The Lord is on your side. Why should you fear? Psalm 118:4. It's better to place your confidence in the Lord. It's better to trust Him. In the name of the Lord you will destroy your adversaries. There is intense power in His name. That's the spiritual weapon that the enemy feared.

God blessed those who fear the Lord both small and great. Psalm 115:13. Solomon in all his splendor even find life a misery despite the fact that God has granted him all the wisdom and discernment he needs. This shows the futility of man. Only God can make your ways perfect. He is your strength and power. Focus on Jesus the author of your faith. Pursue faith. Create an atmosphere of faith. Only faith can deliver you from the strivings of people.
Solomon failed because he did not obey the Lord your God like his father did. He relied on his own strength to succeed. Wisdom and discernment are granted to us to shut off counterfeit that grows alongside that which is true and wholesome. We must be aware that Satan feeds lust for power and build caricatures to imprison us He frequently builds on inadequate repentance. Whichever power you rely on lies the result of your choice. There are two books that you will carry to heaven- your life story and the attitude towards your friends, the family of Christ and your family. It's time to repent and to align your life according to His word so that your finishing line surpasses that of your beginning. Let our life not be lived in vanity but to live for truth. God be praised.
Prayer: Lord let my life be a living testimony to glorify Your name. Thanks for the Revelation of repercussion for both the oppressor and the oppressed. Clothe me with the garment of salvation and the robe of righteousness that I might be blameless on the last day. I give my life to you to be fully sanctified by the Holy spirit so that I will not miss Your reward. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Thank you for publishing this encouragement. God bless TCC.