Today’s Inspiration: “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV. The greatest enemy in this day and age is deception which causes depression, and it is the battlefield of the mind. Most people always blame the devil and pray for deliverance of evil spirits but not being aware of open doors in the flesh, our soulish ways which gives legal rights to the enemy. Ephesians 4:27. We need the power of the Holy Spirit to win the battlefield of the mind to have wisdom, clarity and discretion.
Without the Holy Spirit you cannot discern your thoughts and emotions because we live in this world in the flesh, surrounded with bad news daily, deception could easily take a foothold in our minds without prayer, worship and the word of God. For without the knowledge of God, we perish. Hosea 4:6. This year we see people in the news daily who were scammed falling into depression and suicide. Why? It is because of covetousness in the flesh of greed, enticement or lust. Even you can’t trust all the online news in apps and ads today. What is lacking today is the truth, which is the word of God that sets us free. John 8:32. Even for ministries, we need to be discerning of false teachers and prophets. Many followers were scammed too. Be careful to follow God and not man. May the Lord ground us with His Word and open our eyes in the Spirit, to be rooted in HIs Church, communion and counsel.
Prayer: O Lord my God, we pray to shut all doors in the flesh that gives open access to the enemy. Crucify our flesh at Calvary and remove all lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life. Lead us away from any temptation and deliver us from all evil, not just for ourselves but also for our children and theirs. Let us be hungry for your Word, prayer and presence, which give us emotional health and wealth in spirit, soul, and body, in Jesus' Name, Amen.