Today's Inspiration: God's promises to King Solomon the second time was that He has consecrated the temple he has built and dedicated for Him. His eyes and His heart will always be there so long as he and his descendants walk in integrity of heart and uprightness as David his father did. 1 Kings 9:2-4.
The Israelites would have enjoyed the fruit of their labor should they worship only the one true God and obey all His commands and walk in His ways. There are times in which we compromise hoping the Lord would overlook it and take into account all the good deeds we have done to His people. This is not His ways. His ways are perfect and He is a God of righteousness and injustice. Good and upright is He. He will not waver from His ways. God is more interested in who we are than what we do. People tend to look at our faults more than the good we have done. That is human nature that looks at surface of things. God desires a deeper life from us.
King Solomon did not appreciate the greatest gift he was given- the wisdom and discernment that entitled him to excessive wealth and riches. He yielded to temptation of his wives and concubines to worship other gods that caused his kingdom to be torn away to give to his subordinates. 1 Kings 11:11. With His mercy He will not do it whilst he is reigning but for the sake of his father David will leave one tribe which he has chosen. V12-13.
God is more interested in our attitude more than what we can do for Him. He expects us to be holy and perfect like Him in all His ways as we were created to bear His likeness. Genesis 1:27. The Lord has no desire to share your heart with others that might ruin your soul. He wants all of our hearts, a total surrender committed to His ways. Therefore let our heart be filled only with godly attributes. Learn from every trial. Trials are imposed in order to put our fleshy nature down and to move in the spirit after all we are human beings with a spirit. We therefore must be led by the spirit and live in the spirit. Only obedience to the Lord our God are entitled to a blessing. Let it be known to all generations that they might walk uprightly with Him and follow His ways.
Prayer: Lord grant me a humble spirit and a contrite heart. Let my ways be Your ways and may I walk in integrity all the days of my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.