Today's Inspiration: Dominion belongs to the Lord and He rules over the Nations. Psalm 22:28. To whom do you belong? What you build inside of you will shape your life. Your words set the cornerstone of your life and you are to live within the confines of that boundary you have created with your own words.

Such is the usefulness of His word on your life. Hebrews 4:12. Life's circumstances, situation and conditions are all prone to change but you can establish your life with your words. Such is the power of words that you need to be watchful what you speak to others and yourself.
Your own words can change for better or for worse. Caleb declared that they should go up and possess the land for they certainly can do it. Numbers 13:30. The men who went up with him have adverse reports and fear to enter. V31-33. What Caleb declared came to pass and he was awarded an inheritance of a portion of the land.
What you visualise by faith will surely come to pass. Your words of confidence can bring the breakthrough you desire. Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger James 1:19 for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires v20 and light will shine your ways. God be praised.
Prayer: Abba Father let our mouth speaks words of wisdom the utterance from our heart will give understanding and clarity to the listeners. In Jesus’ name, Amen.