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12 March 2024 Word by Senior Pastor, Pastor Darien Choo

Writer's picture: Trinity Community CentreTrinity Community Centre

Today‘s Inspiration: ”The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; Pride and arrogance and the evil way And the perverse mouth I hate.“ Proverbs‬ ‭8‬:‭13‬ ‭NKJV‬‬. Wisdom, knowledge and understanding is not about intelligence but about integrity in Christlikeness. What do you expect when you see Jesus? I believe like Peter, we will all bow in Holy reverence and repentance and not justify our righteousness. We can’t explain or reason our way into heaven and it’s only through true repentance and reformation in Christ can we enter the kingdom of Heaven. This is the heart of the gospel. A contrite heart.

Many today struggle with sin, addictions or ungodly behaviours despite being a Christian. How to break them? I personally went through years of struggle with my own addictions and coarse language as a young Christian in the world and discovered the only way divine miracles, transformation and breakthroughs came is believing in the Word of God. One day, the glory of above verse hit me so hard that I began to hate my sin and addictions with such deep conviction, holy fear, and reforming determination by the Holy Spirit. It was a spiritual awakening and He helped me in all spiritual warfare through praying in the Spirit. If you say you have the Holy Spirit, He will give you a Holy hatred of sin and evil. God doesn’t want us to hate ourselves but to hate sin and evil. That’s when a holy ambition will powerfully birth one’s new life to be truly born again to be free from sin and evil. It’s never too late to repent and never too early to change. Glory to God!

Prayer: O Lord my God, break all our sins and addictions with a holy fear of the Lord to hate sin and evil, even perverse words, behaviours or curses. Let us be holy for you are holy. I believe holiness is the greatest freedom and liberty, from sin and its bondages. Holy Spirit, you are the Lord of my mind, my heart, and my mouth. For I am made in the image of your holiness and not of the world. Give me clean hands and a pure heart, in Jesus Name, Amen.

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