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1 March 2021 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: When we approach God, we tend to come with a list of requests pertaining to our self-interests. The best approach is not to approach Him with it for He knows our needs before we put our request to Him. Matthew 6:8. Adopt King Solomon's ways of approach to God. He asked for wisdom and knowledge that he may judge His people over whom He has made him King. 2 Chronicles 1:11. God knows his need and granted him what he requested for and on top of this riches, wealth and honor no King ever had. V12. What an awesome God we serve. It's an honor to serve the King of kings and Lord of all Lord's.

In our service to Him we need to exercise our gifts with passion so that we will be effective in all respects. We need to be good stewards of the resources He has made available to us. We need to have the passion to take complete ownership of the ministry He called us to lead. King Solomon started well and what a wisdom he had as narrated in the Bible but sadly he did not complete well because he failed to manifest his gifts for His glory. He was prone to sin against God through the list of his flesh.

Flesh cannot sustain us as they work against the spirit based on the five senses which gives a wrong signal to men. We should be led by the spirit who grants us life ever abundantly. Flesh profits nothing. John 6:63. The devil will not stop tormenting us or harassing us so as to make us fall prey to his schemes. So we need to be watchful and pray at all times. God be praised.

Prayer: Lord grant me wisdom and knowledge to execute Your plans for me for He who called me is faithful. O Lord God whilst I am weak but You are strong. You will deliver me from all wrong. Therefore I shall serve the Lord joyfully in great expectations of the Lord. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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