Today's Inspiration: Whoever speaks let him speak as it were the utterances of God, whoever serves let him do so by strength which God supplies so that in all things God be glorified through Jesus Christ to whom belongs the glory and Dominion forever and ever. 2 Peter 1:11. In all things do it for the glory of God. This is the duty of man. It's God's power that triggers miracles of life.

How many times we have failed in our communication because we speak out of our own flesh instead of the utterance of the Gospel. We have no power to heal or breakthrough. Everything is in the hands of God. We just need to pray for the Holy spirit's power to manifest the miracles of God. Endurance even if tested unjustly brings forth His favor. 1 Peter 2:20.
To Peter, whom should he go in times of distress other than to the Lord's for He has the words of eternal life. The submission to authorities is important and this virtue applies to all even those who do not treat you with fairness. Submission to authorities is therefore an eternal truth who calls us to application.
When Jesus came to restore Peter in John 21:15-17 He also instructs him to shepherd the flock not under compulsion but voluntarily according to the will of God and not with sordid anger but with eagerness, not as lording it over those in your charge but take pride to be examples of the flock so that when the chief shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory. 1 Peter 5:1-5. As long as you practice these things you will not stumble. God be praised.
Prayer: God will not forsake those who are humiliated or ashamed. Lord God you will make us your everlasting pride a joy from generation to generation. In Jesus’ name, Amen.