“But you, Lord, are forever exalted. For surely your enemies, Lord, surely your enemies will perish; all evildoers will be scattered. You have exalted my horn like that of a wild ox; fine oils have been poured on me.” Psalms 92:8-10 NIV
When we exalt the Lord there is always a quickening in our Spirit man. Elijah built the altar of praise and fire came down from Heaven.
Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn. Isaiah 60:1-3. Countless times, we saw God fought battles for His people because of prayer, fasting and powerful praises in unity.
Why many are tired and weary today because of the lack of praise and worship in their personal life. If our relationship with God is only Sunday service that it is just religious, but if we light up the temple for all days in adoration and awe of God, it is relational and powerful. Our relationship with God is our greatest resource and worship is our greatest weapon against all adversaries.
To God be the glory!
With Love Always,
Pastor Darien Choo
Senior Pastor
15 October 2023
Word of the Month - October 2023
“Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One; you are the one Israel praises.” Psalms 22:3
Sunday Breakthrough Service is held onsite and online (https://www.tcc.com.sg/messages) at 10.30am. (15 October - Ps Darien Choo)
Omega Kids is held onsite on alternate Sunday at 11.30am
Corporate Prayer meeting - 13 & 27 October, Friday @ 8pm (onsite).
Dunamis Lifegroup - 7pm (Serangoon group) or 8pm (Tampines group). Contact us at 67411502 for details.
Bible Study class (Adults) - Sunday afternoon
School of the Holy Spirit Ministries (SOHSM) 2023 Module 6 [ZOOM] - Knowing Our Father (Lesson 7 - 17 October 2023 @ 7.30pm) Teacher: Rev Gilbert Carthigasu
School of the Holy Spirit Ministries (SOHSM) 2023 Module 7 [ZOOM] - Worship Mantle - "God's Victory In His Advent" (October 31, November 7, 14, 21, 28 December 5 & 12 @ 7.30pm) Teacher: Ps Darien Choo / Admin Fee: $70 per person & offering. Register here https://www.tcc.com.sg/event-details/sohsm-2023m7-worship-mantle
Ladies Ablaze Fellowship & Men of Valor event - Volunteering at Foodbank. 1 November 2023 (Wednesday), 10am to 1pm. Age: 16 years old & above. Contact us at 67411502 to register.
Recordings for sale - MP3 $20 per session / MP4 $35 per session
Givings - https://www.tcc.com.sg/tithes-offerings
Pledge for TrinityCC venue funds - https://www.tcc.com.sg/event-details/pledge-for-trinitycc-venue-funds
Child at Risk Program-India (CARP-IN) - Sponsor a child at $200 per annum. https://www.tcc.com.sg/event-details/eh-carp-india
Telegram Channel - Join us at https://t.me/+UWWSqY0fN084OWI1
Daily Inspiration messages - https://www.tcc.com.sg/blog/categories/daily-inspirations