Today's Inspiration: Our wounds of the past cannot be erased but remains our personal history. However these wounds can be nursed to a healed scar. These scars are eternal lessons in our hearts to prepare us for ministry. Though we are brought low on our knees and seem to fall, yet He will surprise us with wonders and raise us up to stand firm. Psalm 20:8. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercy endures forever. He will grant victory to us over our foes. Psalm 21:8.
His word is made flesh to destroy the devil who holds the power of death and frees those who all their lives have been enslaved by their bitter experiences of the past. Only He who comes in the form of humanity can make atonement for our sins. Because he was not spared temptation whilst on Earth, He is now able to help those who are being tempted in every way. By His death on the cross, He was made a faithful and merciful high priest in service to God. Hebrews 2:14-18.
Our healing and transformation are determined by being able to look back on everything of our past with gratitude knowing that the purpose of us going through wilderness experience is for a greater purpose. Every hurting event of the past that God brings to remembrance must be addressed through planting the cross between us and the hurting event and declaring the blood of Jesus over the hurting event.
Forgiveness of self and the offender and above all forgiveness from God to us for holding onto the hurting past are the keys to healing. Unforgiveness enslaves us to our past hurting wounds that Satan used to accuse us to prevent us from moving to our future.
Behind every wound is an opportunity for God to bring us to a higher plan beyond our control. Nothing that happens to us is a mistake. It's all under His subjection.
Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the days of rebellion. Hebrews 3:13. You cannot enter into His rest with unbelief in rebellion. Heal your past in obedience. Healing under the power of the Holy Spirit is through sanctification of His word. Psalm 107:20. God be praised.