"The fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the crops of your land and the young of your livestock—the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks. Your basket and your kneading trough will be blessed. You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out." Deuteronomy 28:4-6 NIV
Many seek the Lord’s blessings externally, but divine blessings emerge inwardly.
Blessed Chinese New Year 2024 TCC!
God desire His sons and daughters to be fruitful in character and successful, both in the family and also in the marketplace or ministry. He desires us to manifest His glory, grace and goodness to the World and win souls for the Kingdom of God. The key to be blessed is to have an undivided heart for God, who shall give us His wisdom to be productive, effective and efficient. Psalms 86:11. What God touches within us also touches what is outside of us, both people and purpose.
Prayer helps us to reach God deeper within us and His revelations reveals deeper truths not just of our calling, gifts and spiritual directions but above all how can we be more like Christ in our Attitude, Behaviour, and Character. Therefore in 2024, let there be a deep transformation and breakthrough within us.
To God be the Glory!
With Love Always,
Pastor Darien Choo
Senior Pastor
11 February 2024
Word of the Month - February 2024
"All peoples on earth will be blessed through you." Genesis 12:3 NIV
Sunday Breakthrough Service at 10.30am. Onsite and online (https://www.tcc.com.sg/messages) (11 Feb - Ps Darien Choo)
Omega Kids is held onsite on alternate Sunday at 11.30am
Corporate Prayer meeting - 23 February, Friday @ 7.30pm (ZOOM).
Dunamis Lifegroup - 2 & 16 February, Friday. Serangoon LG @ 7pm / Tampines LG @ 8pm. Contact us at 67411502 for details.
Bible Study class (Adults) - Sunday afternoon.
School of the Holy Spirit Ministries (SOHSM) 2024 [ZOOM] - Prayer Mantle - February 20, 27, March 5, 12, 19, 26 & April 2 @ 7.30pm. Admin Fee: $70 per person & offering. Teacher: Ps Akila Ramasamy / Register here: https://www.tcc.com.sg/event-details/prayer-mantle-ps-akila
School of the Holy Spirit Ministries (SOHSM) 2024 [ZOOM] - Power Mantle - April 9, 16, 23, 30, May 7, 14, & 21 @ 7.30pm. Admin Fee: $70 per person & offering. Teacher: Rev Glenn Cunningham / Register here: https://www.tcc.com.sg/event-details/power-mantle-module-rev-glenn-cunningham
Alpha - commencing on 28 February, Wednesday @ 7.30pm (on-site) [8 weeks]. Register here: https://www.tcc.com.sg/event-details/alpha-feb-2024
Holy Spirit Retreat - June 19 to 21 @ TROVE hotel, Johor Bahru. Speaker: Rev Benedict Rajan
Recordings for sale - MP3 $20 per session / MP4 $35 per session
Givings - https://www.tcc.com.sg/tithes-offerings
Pledge for TrinityCC venue funds - https://www.tcc.com.sg/event-details/pledge-for-trinitycc-venue-funds
Child at Risk Program-India (CARP-IN) - Sponsor a child at $200 per annum. https://www.tcc.com.sg/event-details/eh-carp-india
Telegram Channel - Join us at https://t.me/+UWWSqY0fN084OWI1
Daily Inspiration messages - https://www.tcc.com.sg/blog/categories/daily-inspirations