God eyes and ears are in prayers of His people who seek His face and presence.
Breakthrough comes from the atmosphere of Intercession and God is calling His watchmen for our Nations, Community, Family, Church and Marketplace. Prayer is not religious and repetitive but relational and relevant to the situation and circumstances of the spiritual condition of people, places and purpose.
Only prayer with God’s purpose prevails in His plans. The enemy first strategy is to steal, kill and destroy our prayer life because it is the lifeline and power line from God to build our spiritual life. Strengthen your personal prayer life and rebuild the prayer altar.
To God be the Glory!
With Love Always,
Pastor Darien Choo
Senior Pastor
7 July 2024
Breakthrough Verse of the Month - July 2024
"A fire shall always be burning on the altar; it shall never go out." Leviticus 6:13
Sunday Breakthrough Service at 10.30am. On-site & Online (https://www.tcc.com.sg/messages) Preacher: Ps Darien Choo |
Omega Kids is held onsite on alternate Sunday at 11.30am |
Corporate Prayer meeting - 12 & 26 July, Friday @ 7.30pm (ZOOM) |
Bible Study class (Adults) - Sunday afternoon |
Givings - https://www.tcc.com.sg/tithes-offerings |
Telegram Channel - Join us at https://t.me/+UWWSqY0fN084OWI1 |
Daily Inspiration messages - https://www.tcc.com.sg/blog/categories/daily-inspirations |
The last lesson would be held on 30 July 2024 instead of 23 July 2024.

Sponsor a child at $200 per annum. https://www.tcc.com.sg/event-details/eh-carp-india