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9 August 2021 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Josephine Lim

Today's Inspiration: Moses was one hundred and twenty years old when he died yet his eyes were not weak nor his strength gone. Deuteronomy 34:7. All of us would like to be in Moses' shoes. How was this possible? His eyes are always fixed on the Lord and His commands. He sought the Lord in times of difficulties. He never deviate from the path of the Lord. He remained bold and strong and God used him to perform miracles beyond one's imagination. He did not harbour any grievances against his offenders but instead always interceded for them and leave the rest to God. He will not move without God's presence. Meekness was his virtue.

Success or failure in our projects depends on how much we trust God and to what extent we obeyed His Commands and how united we are.

Fear has always been an obstacle for mankind. It leads them to have a divided heart. On the one hand we are filled with confidence in the Lord. On the other hand we are filled with oppression of fear from the enemy who so torment us to the core till we surrender.

For Joshua to succeed Moses to possess the promised land, he needs to be strong and courageous enough to conquer fear undistracted in any way. So is it with us. God's assurance that He will not leave him nor forsake him is another assurance. Joshua 1:5. With these promises at hand and prayerfulness at the same time he managed to lead the people to cross over Jordan and conquered the fortress of Jericho. Whist we tend to conquer the smallest territories first, Joshua resort to conquer the most toughest territory first. As directed always Judah must go first.

Worship must always precede every conquest. Without conquering fear the best demonic strategy of the enemy, one never succeed in any venture. When you place fear on the chopping board, all other negative emotions will not surface. So let's trust the Lord with all our heart without wavering that we maybe successful in all that we go. Without seeking the Lord we will not know where we stand. It's through seeking the Lord for strategies that He delivered us from all fears. Psalm 34:4. Those who fear the Lord lack no good thing. V9. So it's better to fear the the Lord than fearing the enemy.

Prayer: I cried desperately to the Lord. He heard me and answer me. May His name be exalted at all times.

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