Today’s in Inspiration: “For this command is a lamp, this teaching is a light, and correction and instruction are the way to life,” Proverbs 6:23. The Word of God brings light to our spirit because our Spirit is the lamp of God. To have kingdom success, we must be humble and teachable and the biggest hurdle is pride, which God hates. All of us has pride to some extend, but do we confess them?
Remember Naaman the commander who has to humble himself by taking off his medals and uniform and immerse in river Jordan to be heal of leprosy according to Prophet Elisha. 2 Kings 5:14. God was not just healing Naaman’s leprosy but his pride, arrogance and rage. We can be talented or gifted but prideful in many ways. When we think of only what we want and putting others down, there is pride. In gossips, there are tons of pride. Pride destroys relationships. Therefore refrain from them, always look for ways to edify, exhort, and comfort others. Build strong relationships in 2022! Humility always precedes Honour.
Prayer: O Lord My God, I repent for all my pride of life, the lust of my eyes and flesh. Let the Words of my mouth be used for your praises, your glory and your testimonies. Let my heart be contrite like David and be free for your use, in Jesus' Name, Amen.