Today's Inspiration: Maturing in our relationship with God is the only way to refrain from wavering in the faith. Though we seem stuck at circuit breaker season and uncertain of the future, we need to cling on to the truth that we serve an awesome God who knows the events from beginning to end n end to beginning. The Lord still reigns and the world is firmly established. It cannot be moved. Psalm 93:1. As long as you are planted in the House of God, you will flourish and whatever you do will prosper if you truly know where your heart is.

Know full well the Lord is your fortress and your Rock in whom you can take refuge. When anxiety is great, turn to Him for comfort for only He can bring joy to your soul. Psalm 94:19. Whilst happiness is from external circumstances, joy is a well being that comes from satisfaction of your heart that only the Lord can produce in you.
Joy is like a spring in your heart that no matter what circumstances you go through in the external, there is an inner joy, like a spring in the well that pushes it's way through to reach the surface notwithstanding the mud thrown into your well. It's a joy that cannot be fathomed. Joy grants you strength to overcome every obstacle in your life. Jesus set an example of a life lived with joy to enrich everyone around Him. Remember the radiance of triumphant joy shining right through His life even in the darkest moment. Wherever He goes, He left a mark of hope and joy in people's heart. This should be the lifestyle we should adopt. Look at the joy He gave to Zaccheus the customs tax collector when He told him that He was going to his house. Whilst others shun and condemn him, Jesus showed His love for him.
So do not worry if people criticise, condemn or don't appreciate you and leave you in the lurch, just remember God's love for you is everlasting and loves to bring joy to your heart and to fill your vacuum. Only true love can generate faithfulness, reliability and loyalty to a commitment made with you. The test of people's loyalty to you is when you have nothing to offer. Joy is one fruit of the spirit so needed in relating to others healthily. God be praised.
Prayer: Lord grant me joy in my heart that I might be triumphant all the days of my life. In Jesus name Amen.