Today's Inspiration: Surely God is my help. The Lord is the one who sustains me. Psalm 54:4. Do not be confused but instead confuse the enemy and do not fear. He will lead you to the Rock that is higher where you will dwell with the Lord forever.
Most of our life isn't spent in safe harbor. Stormy seas are inevitable. Prayer which is our spiritual ballast is therefore a necessity and not an option. Living relationship with the Lord is depended and nurtured only through Communion prayer with Him, releasing all that is within us that we might receive His new navigating tool to navigate life smoothly. James 1:21. Spiritual ballast needs to be developed daily. When storms come to us in our navigation, it is too late to develop our spiritual ballast. Spiritual navigation requires vigorous prayer life.
The greatest fear in life is that we always fear we cannot achieve our goal but the reality is to fear we have the wrong goals. The worst failure is to succeed in things that don't really matters. We should not awake one day to find that we have arrived at the wrong harbor. It's a fearful thing to end our journey like King Solomon uttering that everything is meaningless. Ecclesiastes 1:2. Navigators can easily drift from the course in challenging times like this. We need a new life compass to navigate our life to God's intended destination. We need to rely on the right compass to set our direction right and not just to align to an ever changing world.
Focus on the goal God has set for you. His compass is timeless and cannot be worn out unlike worldly tools that easily wears out. Life is not about a bed of roses but a life of navigation that never drift. So you need to navigate continuously and be lubricated by the Holy Spirit regularly so that you will forever be energised. God be praised.