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30 July 2021 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: Though briers and thorns are around you, and you live among scorpions do not fear or be terrified. Ezekiel 2:6. Seek Him and He shall reveal deep and hidden things.

Daniel was a humble man who honors God. When told to interpret dream he replied that is not because he has greater wisdom than others but that the king who is the recipient of the dream may know the interpretation and that he may understand what went through his mind. Daniel 2:30. He was not boastful of his intellect and wisdom. Dreams and visions are what God revealed His mysteries of days to come. In Daniel's days, God shows Daniel His mighty power. He changed times and seasons and is able to tear down any kingdoms no matter how powerful they maybe. He knows what lies in the darkness and light dwells with them.

Daniel's wisdom and boldness enables him to serve three kings well even in times of exile. This shows that it is not circumstances that matters but our attitude towards our situation matters and our action towards our faith matters. Daniel did not bother about his being in exile but perform to the best of his abilities to glorify the name of God. He plucks up the courage to share the wisdom and powers of God that led the king to acknowledge God over His kingdom. Daniel boldly shared that God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed nor will it be left to other people. It will crush all the kingdoms and bring them to an end but it will itself endures forever. V44. He is the great God that has shown the king what will take place in the future.

The dream is therefore true and trustworthy. Instead of being angry, the king begins to acknowledge God as God of all God's and King of all kings. V4-7. As Apostle Paul tells us not to be ashamed of the Gospel we must share Christ to those who do not know Him for you never know that people are searching to know a true God. What you perceive of opinion of others may not be what you think. We serve a God who knows all hearts and searches their soul. Hence we are placed in a position of influence to be a blessing to those who are lost along the way. God be praised.

Prayer: Lord lead me to the soul that is ready for salvation for You know the condition of each and every heart and how they will respond to Your messenger of Good News. Let Your agenda be my agenda. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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