Today's Inspiration: The Lord is good. His mercy is everlasting and His truth endures to all generations. Psalm 100:5. He tested us by allowing us to go through trials so that our flesh will be humbled for He knows human efforts are futile.
It's when we are prepared to lay down our human understanding that eternal truths of conviction can penetrate into our inner man to lift us up according to His will.
Renewal of the mind takes time because it's so ingrained with fleshy desires all the days of our life before conversion and God is not unjust to not allow it to change graciously. However, God also wants it to be renewed as fast as possible so that He could use us in a way that we can never imagine like He did with mighty men of God in the Bible. How He could turn a heart of fear to the extent of denying Him in Peter to one of boldness to propagate the Gospel and healing the oppressed in Acts 2 is beyond one's human imagination. Would you allow Him to change you to His will? When change takes place, you will be amazed at how He filled you with the mighty power.
Change comes with the power of the Holy Spirit to be His witness. Acts 1:8. Before empowerment comes, we need the baptism fire to cleanse our unclean lips like He did to Isaiah in Isaiah 6:5-6 before He can use Him as His Oracle. He created our lips to speak only what we hear and not beyond the voice of God so as to change us and the world around us. Change is required from every vessel He created and we need to be transformed from glory to glory to impact the world around us. 2 Corinthians 3:18. Unless people see Christ in us, the world cannot be a better place to live. God be praised.
Prayer: I pray Lord that You renew me from day to day and may I have the grace to have Your love abound in me with knowledge and discernment to be filled with the fruit of righteousness which are by Jesus to the glory and praise of our Lord God. Amen.