Today's Inspiration: As God's army, we should remain strong and not be deterred by Satan's threats. Let us be like Nehemiah who resists his enemy with the words that no such thing they say are being done. The threats have no substance, but only inventions of the heart. They pray to God to strengthen him. Nehemiah 6:8-9. A mighty man of God must be a mighty warrior for the Lord in deep thoughts and meditation, who submits to God and who resist the enemy who is continually tormenting you and compelling you to do things not according to His will and plan. Do not let the words of the enemy label who you are. You are what God has made you to be. Satan's threats are meant to inflict fear in you so that you can move forward in life.

Your mission need to be focused on God. Samson was a mighty "fighting" machine, but not a mighty "thinking" machine. He had mighty strength, but the Philistines had superior strategy to enslave him. More often than not, victory goes to the superior thinker rather than to those with superior strength. Superior strength was not the bulk of Israel's victories.
Israel has a superior strategy - they had God on their side to fight battles. The key to Samson's strength was God Himself who gave superior strength to those whose life was consecrated to Him for His plan and purposes. Consecration is to set you apart for dedication to the Lord for His glory. The Israelites are consecrated before crossing over to the promised land to conquer Jericho. Joshua 3:5-6. Samson failed in his exploit for His glory because he relied on his own strength rather than from heavenly perspective. We need to know the weakness of the enemy before we can win a battle. So seek to win the battle by knowing the weakness of the enemy and not to take grace for granted.
Samson's sin make him say dumb things, do and think dumb things. Sin made us adopt dumb properties and be enticed dumbly. Seek God for vindication. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Isaiah 54:17. God be praised.
Prayer: Abba Father, remember me O Lord, save me from the evil hands of the enemy. Strengthen my hands. In Jesus name Amen.