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13 November 2020 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: Each one is given a measure of faith. Romans 12:3. We need to grow in our faith journey before we can be greatly used by Him. The miracles, mistakes, wealth of experiences in our life and lessons in scriptures are supposed to be foundation of our faith to transform us to victory in our exploits. Until we grow in our faith journey, we cannot be greatly used by Him.

Faith is the gift of God with the criteria in which we evaluate ourselves. If you recapitulate your life, you will find out the intense grace God has given to your life. How many times has He bailed you out from an immense task which no one could help except the eternal God?

Being a witness in sharing the Gospel and the infilling of the Holy Spirit is in itself a powerful gift. None of these are our natural abilities, human intellect or our creative thinking. It is all because of the grace of God which is unmatchable even by the greatest power in the world. With the gift of faith comes gift of prophecy, gift of healing, gift of faith and gift of discernment which we need to depend each day for our life mission.

When faith is connected to God, it is truly powerful. Without God, faith is empty. With God all things are possible. Salvation is the greatest miracle of all miracles. Pursue this especially in areas of healing as it is the highway to salvation. With God all things are possible. Luke 18:27. Without connection to God, life is full of unfulfilled dreams. Apart from Him you can do nothing. John 15:5.

Faith is an assurance, a confidence that God will do in and through us to fulfill His promises. How does your life work with God? Faith is the confidence that you see through your spiritual eyes. Hebrews 11:1. God be praised.

Prayer: Abba Father thanks for the measure of faith. May You empower me in this faith journey wherever I go. I live by faith not by sight. May my spirit be connected to Your Spirit always! Amen.

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