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11 January 2021 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Updated: Jan 12, 2021

Today's Inspiration: Believers should not be afraid of the devices of the devil because the One who is in them is greater than the created devil who is in the world. God is the one who created the destroyer to work havoc. Isaiah 54:16. So we can confidently proclaim that no weapon of the devil formed against us shall prosper and we have the authority to refute every tongue that accused us. This is the heritage of the Lord and their vindication is from Him. V17.

The fact that Jesus' disciples requested Jesus to teach them how to pray shows that prayer is critical in the life of a disciple as they watched many times the miraculous power of the Lord and His daily devotion as His lifestyle. Jesus set an example of going away from the crowds starting and finishing the day alone in prayer. Mark 1:35 (morning) and Matthew 14:23. (Evening). When our prayer life developed, our relationship with God developed. Through prayer God gave us confidence and trust in Him with an undivided heart. Through prayer we understand the character of God and He also reveals to us the areas to work on to attain His attributes. Psalm 139:23-24.

As you continue to learn more of God, your prayers will reflect a greater understanding and awareness of the majestic Almighty God and also of the overwhelming love of the heavenly Father.

Prayer is not only to present our needs for He knows our needs beforehand. Matthew 6:8. Prayer is a daily Communion with Him to know Him better and His ways to connect to His spirit. Prayer is about building an abiding relationship with God that we be sensitive to the Lord who cares and understand what it is to have zeal of God. Prayer is to understand how to approach God in our petition and that God has granted us all we need to have abundant life.

Whoever follows Him through prayer will never walk in darkness but have the light of life. John 8:12. Prayer is about speaking to your spirit His word that bring life. John 6:63. Simon Peter has such a relationship with Jesus that he was the only disciple who could identify Jesus as the Holy one of God that they should believe. V69. John lives in deep relationship with God to identify that the partaking of the Holy communion is to build abiding relationship and to live with Him forever. V53-58.

So let us deepen our relationship with God through making prayer our lifestyle. This is what Jesus modeled for us so we should apply adopt the same lifestyle as Him by being silently in deep prayer with Him in the beginning of the day and at the end of the day thanking Him for His amazing encounters during the day. God be praised.

Prayer: Lord You are the companion that leads us to quiet waters and answers us in times of favor. You are my strength and my shield. So I shout with joy and rejoice that the Lord has not forsaken me. In Jesus’ name Amen.

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