Today's Inspiration: From now on, God will reveal to you new things, of hidden things unknown to you. They are created anew. You have neither heard or understood them before. Isaiah 48:6-7. Therefore seek Him.
When God calls you, He will ensure you will succeed in the mission. V15. God knows from the beginning to the end and from the end to the beginning. You can do all the right things but one mistake will label you for life. Therefore allow the Lord to direct your path. V17. God used men and women to shape history. Race and respectability do not matter but a willing heart to be involved with God's mission.

Look at how Rahab changed the course of history of Israel. Joshua 6:25. She was outside the family of God, condemned to perish in the judgement of Jericho but was saved to live and whose name is recorded in the History of Israel. Moses' yieldedness brought about God's plan to fruition. Are you willing to answer the call to change the course of history? God be praised.
Prayer: Abba Father I do not know what my future lies but you know what is best for me so I choose to surrender to Your will. In Jesus name Amen.