By: Rev Alicia Teo
After a successful Holy Spirit Retreat & Mission Trip to India, in October 2019 I was hit with a spine problem first on my left then on my right. The pain was so excruciating that was unbearable. No amount of medication could stop the pain. I could not do a scan as I was not able to lie down so on the advice of my Oncologist Dr. Karmen, I had to go for an X-ray. The result shows that T4 of my spine was compressed and I needed treatment on the spine. The pain did not cease despite the pain killer. It was so excruciating that I had to be admitted to NUH for observation. I was sent for MRI on the spine, the result of which was traumatic. A CT-scan also was made showing that the residue cancer cells had caught up with me and I was diagnosed with Adrenal Cancer. I recalled that sometime ago, it was fear that binds me to Cancer and now this fear binds my recurrence again. Whatever word, thought or deed certainly do bind us to open door to an afflicting spirit which is captive to Satan. I had to go for surgery on my spine within a week to rectify the spine or it will collapse. Devastated at the negative report, I immediately called upon the Lord to spare me the pain of surgery again. I cling onto the verses which have helped me triumph over Cancer in 2017:
Ps 94:9 He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? he that formed the eye, shall he not see?
Mt 15:28 Then Jesus answered and said to her, “O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire”…
Despite my strong faith I was further shaken by the doctor’s words that I could not sit up at all for fear that the whole spine will collapse unless I wear the hard plastic guard on my spine or install a ladder-like device to hold my whole spine. He needed to see Ps Darien to explain the whole procedure that is needed. Whilst I was speaking to Ps Darien, an angel of the Lord dressed in pure white like wool appeared before me on my right side. It was a tall angel and his height almost touched the ceiling of the hospital. It was an assurance from the Lord that He was in control. On that night itself, although I did not have a blanket, the heat inside of me was so much that I sweated a lot. On the next day, I decided to discharge myself on my own risk and depended on the Holy Spirit’s power to heal. You cannot imagine the ordeal I went through in struggling with the doctor for me to be able to sit up to have my meal and the struggle with the hard plastic spine guard for my whole spine making it difficult for me to walk.
As there was no medication other than Panadol to sustain me and the gel to apply on T4, I had to digest God’s medicine each day and He kept assuring me with Jeremiah 30:17 “For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds,’ says the Lord,…” and I hang onto this Promise to this day. Indeed, God is faithful and He sent Ps Kiran to pray for me where he saw a vision and prophesied as he was commanded; that there was a ratting sound suddenly and the bones came together bone to bone. (Ezekiel 37:7). This gives me an assurance that my spine will be rejuvenated. My church leaders prayed and Brother Casey prophesied that the Lord has shown him a vision of me continuing with the work of the ministry with the strength and vitality of a decade ago. I knew at once that God was rejuvenating my age by ten years. Sister Juliana also had a figure that added ten years to my life. I thank God for all the sensitivity of the prophetic voices. My thanks also go to Dr. Karmen who called the oncologist that I do not need surgery but only medication to sustain my health.
I felt my spine gaining health each day, thanking God for a sister who has been sponsoring me with supplements till June 2020 that helps my cells regain immunity. June and October CT-scan on the bone shows that my spine was reinstated. On December 8, 2020 I dragged my feet to see the spine doctor who once gave a very negative review on my spine. To my amazement, he certified that my spine has now taken shape and there is growth in the bones and I do not need to see him anymore unless I have to. This is indeed a miracle of God and I give God all the glory thanking Him for faithfully answering the prayer of the pastors, leaders and members of the Church. Indeed, the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit and of joints and marrow and is a discerner to our thoughts and intents of the heart. (Heb 4:12).
I like to share two profound truths that hastens this healing and brings wholeness to my spirit, soul and body. The first truth was that God wants me to apply the seven- fold sprinkling of Jesus Christ to our physical house so that we are protected from the hands of the enemy as well as to our spiritual house, our body, the temple of the Holy Spirit which I did daily. The second truth was that I must feel myself healed on the inside before I could see the manifestation of healing on the outside.
I also learnt the following:
The word of God spoken to our spirit far surpasses the toxicity caused by environment and by our inner thoughts. It is our attitude towards the sickness matters. Do we react positively that there is a reason behind the affliction or react negatively with the words “Why me?”
The part of our body most affected by negative or positive emotions is the immune system and we should be careful with our thoughts and the words that comes from our mouth. Proverbs 15:30 “The light of the eyes rejoices the heart, and good news refreshes the bones.”
The bone marrow carries the word through our body to nurture us with His life. The Word and the Spirit of truth flow through our blood and cleanse our conscience. This gives us clarity to set our way to health.
Nothing can stop God’s plans for your life. We have to leave room for God to send us on detours because the blessings may come on the paths that you did not expect to take. Isa 14:27 “For the Lord Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?”
May these truths help you in your journey to health! I give God all the glory for such truths that astound me so much to bring forth a healing miracle way beyond my expectation. God’s ways are never our ways and His thoughts for us are higher than our thoughts. Our thoughts have power to bind us; therefore, we should profess Phil 4:8 always in our thoughts. “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—think of such things.”