Today's Inspiration: God instructs Joshua to meditate on His word day and night so that he will be prosperous and have good success. Joshua 1:8. Life is made out of words. We tend to overlook the fact that we create a mental condition with our words. Discern people's provocations and you will discover the depth of their inner attitudes. If you know the power of words, you will stop to reflect the words you are programming inside of you before you speak. Many relationships were broken because of words that were spoken in haste and without purpose.
Our hopes are always dampened by words of discouragement. These are words of torment by the enemy designed to harass us to the core till we give up the faith.
Memories of failure, tragic experiences, heartaches and rejection have been hindrances to our faith. The antidote is to fall back on the promises of God who grant us the power to produce wealth and abundance. Deuteronomy 8:18. There is a way that appears to be right but in the end it leads to death. Proverbs 14:12. We cannot afford to be weak willed in our mind or it hampers our provision.
If Joshua's mind is weak willed, whatever God promises will not become a reality. Because he believes every word God spoke in Joshua 1:3&5, these words become his spiritual weapons to possess lands promised by God. So trust God by His words and act in faith so that you will be more than conquerors like Joshua. Romans 8:37. Joshua won the war only by his faith in God's word. God be praised.
Prayer: Lord whatever You command we will do and wherever you sent us, we will go. Only be with us and lead us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.