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7 May 2021 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: Your trials in life is a demonstration of God testing your faith to produce patience. James 1:2. Patience is a fruit that is hard to attain for it takes severe beatings before you can be still and reflect on the ways to go. When you are patient enough to pursue Your passion, you will reach your destiny one day. It's patience that caused you to lack nothing but His grace. V3-4

He who called you is holy. To be sober and vigilant brings greater blessing than to be quick and acting on impulse. In everything that you do you need grace. Do not conform yourself to former lusts as in your ignorance even if you are under severe pressure. You need to be holy in all your conduct for He who called you is holy. 1 Peter 1:13-14. There is a tendency to get back to further lust especially when you are led by temptation instead of by the spirit of the Living God. God looks at the inward parts more than the external appearance. What is precious to God is to see you inwardly as a spirit that is quiet and gentle in total surrender to the Lord.

As Samuel declares man looks on the outward appearance and God looks at the inward part, a heart that is totally sold out for Him, a heart of full surrender and total heeding to the voice of God and do His bidding like the angels. We are called to inherit a blessing by being of one mind and one spirit, having compassion for one another, love as brothers and sisters, be tender heated, be courteous and not revengeful. 1 Peter 3:8-9.

To be transparent to each other is a marvelous gift of the spirit that brings peace and harmony. God has not and will not forsake you. Overcome turbulent thoughts on your mind and have self-control is only possible when there is peace in your heart. To do this we need to consistently examine self and allow the Holy Spirit to take control of our life. When we examine ourselves, we allow God to release His power on us. We can overcome only by our faith. God be praised.

Prayer: Lord let Your eyes be on the righteous. Let Your ears be open to our prayers. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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